30 July 2009

bzzz....like a B.

Hope you all have been enjoying your summer months! It is so hard to believe that August is here already. Where has the time all gone to?? I finally was able to hit the beach last weekend and just couldn't quite comprehend why I'm not out there more. I didn't ponder too long....I was asleep in less than 10 minutes.

As August sweeps in and yet another birthday is upon me (yikes!), I am thrilled to fill you in on a few additions to my schedule. Monday nights I will be playing regularly at Mercato Restaurant, Downtown, from 6-10pm. We started almost 3 weeks ago and we've had a fantastic time! Nick, Gerald and I are the usual trio, but the next couple of weeks will have Stuart White and Ron Wiltrout, respectively, filling in on percussion. Gerald will still be on keys. Mercato is a hip Italian joint off of Market Street, next to Planter's Inn and Peninsula Grill. Great food, reasonably priced and I hear their music is pretty sweet, too. :) In fact, they are offering jazz six nights a week now and have a terrific line-up. My point: GO TO MERCATO. Visit mercatocharleston.com to make your reservations or just show up and seat yourself at their oh-so-hip bar.

Here's the rundown for this weekend...and what the hell, NEXT weekend, too!

Friday, 31 July @ Atlanticville w/ John Oden (guitar)
Saturday, 1 August @ Med Bistro w/ John Oden (guitar)
Monday, 3 August @ Mercato w/ Gerald Gregory (keys) + Stuart White (percussion)


Friday, 7 August @ Atlanticville w/ Tyler Ross (guitar)
Sunday, 9 August @ Kudu w/ John Oden (guitar) + Stuart White (percussion)
Monday, 10 August @ Mercato w/ Gerald Gregory (keys) + Ron Wiltrout (percussion)

And SEPTEMBER 4th....MARK YOUR CALENDARS! LATIN NIGHT featuring the CHARLESTON JAZZ ORCHESTRA! Yours truly will be singing with the big band! You won't want to miss this special event! Tickets ON SALE NOW at THEJAC.ORG or ETIX.COM or by calling 843.641.0011.

Peace and Love,
Paz y Amor,

Brought to you by the letter B.

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